Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'm not dead!

Sorry for the long silence. Mr. LRA and I are currently in Vancouver on our vacation, which started (and will end) in Seattle. It's been a couple weeks since I've hit the gym due to a nagging deltoid pull, but I've pretty much been on plan and am endeavoring to do so on the trip, more so by avoidance than anything else. I do not, however, regret the amazing scoop of caramel/coffee gelato I had at Butchart Gardens yesterday, which along with some macadamias and sugar-free apple drink was about all I ate. I do have a couple of small indulgences planned--garlic fries at Safeco Park during the Mariners game, which if they taste halfway as good as they smell (they also serve them at Qwest Field, where Mr. LRA and I took in Seahawks/Bucs on Sunday) will be awesome and some rice with my shawarma at a little place here in Vancouver that comes highly recommended and happens to be conveniently located in my hotel plaza--but other than that I'm staying reasonably paleo.

The arm is feeling better, so once home the weights will be hit with a vengeance.

1 comment:

J.B. said...

If you haven't gone to the Safe yet, go to the Ivar's booth and get Fish & chips with garlic. Even better than the straight garlic fries.