Monday, July 16, 2007

In which LRA remembers she can't do shit like that anymore

Crappy week. REALLY crappy. Between the low blood sugar/cardio overdose and some heinous dental work (five fillings. And a cleaning. And I'm a former dental phobic, which means I was highly on edge for three hours. And the novocaine took SIX FUCKING HOURS to wear off) I was, as my icon t-shirt says, drinking like a Roethlisberger today. Well, actually, I was drinking like a Roethlisberger the whole weekend. Plus I ate french fries (OMG TEH HORROR).

I could handle that at 21. At nearly 41, the body's like "I don't fucking think so, dumb bitch." Lifting does ease the hangover a bit. But I cooked LC like a mofo yesterday and went to the gym and am slugging water down.

And I chucked the Bacardi. Amazingly I still had some left. But it's just one more thing to add to the list.

Damn, this getting old shit sucks.

1 comment:

Royce said...

AMEN, I can still drink my weight in good beer but holy hell do I pay for it afterwards. It also affects me mentally for longer now. Shit that should be easy requires concentration for days afterwards.